Results Snapshot!!

Results to date:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Week Four Results....

This last week was a hard one for both Michael and I. It was a stressful week at work for both of us and we didn't plan well, so eating kind of went out the window as far as high protein went. We didn't backslide completely just didn't follow our meal plan.

Michael was 100% with the gym. I think I went twice... (yeah, I'm not proud.) As for results, I managed to lose 2 more lbs and 1.5 inches and .5% body fat. Michael maintained weight and inches, but lost 2% body fat. This shows that Michael is losing fat and gaining muscle so good job Michael.

Last night, I was running a low blood sugar so we were searching the cupboards for something sweet to bring it back up quickly and Michael made the comment, "We sure did a good job cleaning out the junk, there is literally nothing here." That has been one of the biggest keys to staying successful, even on a stressful week where we didn't plan, is that we just don't buy the stuff we shouldn't eat. My mom used to say, "I like to make the decision once to not eat the stuff that I shouldn't and it's just easiest to make that choice at the store." I would have to agree with mom on this one. Funny how she seems to get wiser as I get older. (Love you mom!)

This week we are focusing on refining our diet again. Back to high protein and getting quality complex carbohydrates (see the previous post about refined sugar). As for me, I'm getting to the gym! I have a device that a friend gave me called the Nextfit Trainer. I'm excited to see what it can do for me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sara! I wanted to say thanks for sharing us with your readers, we really appreciate it. I love this idea you have! You will need to keep me updated!
    Thanks again,
