Results Snapshot!!

Results to date:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Week Five Results...

Okay, so I don't officially have results for week 5. Michael and I have both only weighed at this point and I maintained and Michael lost another four so Michael has officially past me at 21 lbs weight loss and I'm at 20 lbs.... that took me 6 months and Michael only 5 weeks. Of course some of that can be attributed to the fact that he is a guy, but I'm really amazed. He is dedicated to the gym and is putting on some serious muscle so I'm interested to take the time to figure out what his net weight loss is. Meaning how much fat has he lost? Muscle weighs more than fat so knowing the changes I can see, has he actually lost more than 20 lbs of fat?

As you can see from the fact that I got zero posting done last week, I'm frankly amazed that I even did the weigh-in. I said that I would share the good, the bad and the ugly. Well, there's not really any ugly and when I put things into perspective things are really quite good. But I would have to say the bad part is that when I get busy, I get nothing done. I didn't go to the gym, I didn't post one single day and I didn't feel organized at all! With all that said, that is one thing I do like about Monday's. I feel like it's a new chance to do better. Many people focus on January 1 for making changes in their lives... I focus on Monday's. I get 52 opportunities throughout the year to make new goals and to re-assess what I need to do in my life. So, it's a good thing it's Monday because although I do great at the eating part of this, I suck at going to the gym!

A friend of mine gave me a tool to try; it's the Nextfit Trainer and I absolutely love it. It's like having my own personal trainer to work out with and it totally kicked my rear end last week when I used it. I can't wait to get back to the gym with my "trainer" and see what results I can see by the end of this week!

What do you want to change this week? What is one thing you think you could do better at? Make one goal for the week (or for the day) and see how you can do. We'll compare notes at the end of the week and see if we were able to pull it off!

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