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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Small and Simple...

I have battled feeling overweight for literally my entire life. This is hard for me to admit. There are people that read this blog that have known me my entire life and that for me is admitting weakness.

I hate being weak.

It has taken Michael and me 31 years to get to the point where making this kind of change has been worth it to us. Yes, the lifestyle change is very new so I know there are a lot of people out there that are waiting to see if this is permanent or not. And I say... well, that's fair. I hope you keep watching and reading and together we can all see what the future brings. A friend of mine said to me today that I can't say I don't eat fast food unless it's been twelve years... Well, I'm not sure that it will ever be that long between visits to some fast food joint, but I certainly know I don't like how I feel when I do eat out.

There are two things I know; well, I know more than that, but two I'll talk about now. First, there are no quick fixes. Second, it's important to make realistic changes.

Michael and I are doing things that work for us. We weren't ready for these changes a year ago, but we're ready now. We've been contemplating change for a while, have tried diet changes and exercise in the past with minimal results. We have a plan that works for us and we're committed to it. It's important to examine where you are now and identify realistic changes for you.

These are stages of change:
  • Precontemplation (Not yet acknowledging that there is a problem behavior that needs to be changed)

  • Contemplation (Acknowledging that there is a problem but not yet ready or sure of wanting to make a change)

  • Preparation/Determination (Getting ready to change)

  • Action/Willpower (Changing behavior)

  • Maintenance (Maintaining the behavior change) and

  • Relapse (Returning to older behaviors and abandoning the new changes. This is the stage that, if reached, leads me to believe someone was not really ready for change.)

Do you know where you are at? You can find yourself at any point on this scale at any time. I've been firmly settled between Contemplation and Preparation/Determination for months, maybe even years. It feels pretty darn good to be in Action/Willpower, but I definitely needed to be ready.

If this blog even moves you one step closer to Action/Willpower, I will be happy. If it can help you make just one little change, no matter how small, I will feel successful. If this moves you to Action/Willpower, I'm more than happy to be your greatest cheering section and would be thrilled to help you make your plan.

I'm passionate about my changes, I'm passionate about helping others with theirs. Remember that even small and simple changes can lead to big results in the long run and something is better than nothing!


  1. Sara, I liked your post. I have also been working on this same goal. Over the past two years I have managed to lose 50 lbs. It is incredible to me that I let myself get to the point that I needed to lose that much and yet I am so excited that I did. I do have to say one comment though. Relapse happens and it will happen to everyone. However, it doesn't mean that you weren't ready for change. I think all it means is that you have to back up and get back on the right track of where you were. Notice it took me two years to reach the 50. That is because I made it part way there then I maintained for a while. Then I realized that I was relapsing and I kicked back into gear and made it to where I am today.
    I am excited for you guys and I have enjoyed seeing your comments about this.

  2. I'm one of those people who have know you for (almost) your whole life, and I will never see you as weak. Just letting you know. Keep up the good work, and know that you are inspiring at least one! Love your guts!

  3. Thanks for the comments and Tammy I'm happy to see you! I should probably clarify on the relapse comment. Yes, relapse does happen, but I think there are two types. There is the kind when you just go back to old habits and any changes made are negated. And then there is the kind you are referring to. As I said, health is a journey, not a destination. I don't think we are ever truly "done" becoming healthy, it will be a continual and ever changing process. My comment was definitely directed towards the first kind!
    Thank you so much for helping me to clarify that Roni and WAY TO GO!! I'm so excited to hear about your hard work! :)
