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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's a Lifestyle...

Diet is a four letter word. Don't do it! If you want to look or feel a certain way you've got to make a lifestyle change. That's right, you heard me... A. Lifestyle. Change.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results." This quote has been misattributed to several famous people through time so I'm not sure who actually said it, but boy is it true! Especially if you're like the typical dieter. If you've dieted before you know that dieting puts you into a cycle. Typically, you make a temporary change to achieve a result then go back to your old habits which means you eventually gain the weight back (and them some). Then you go on another diet; hoping for long-term success only to go back to your normal way of eating when the weight is off... and the cycle goes on and on. This cycle won't bring about long-term success; at least it hasn't for me. Those that have been successful at weight loss don't diet; they make a lifestyle change!

Throughout 7+ years of marriage, healthy eating has made fleeting appearances and would usually quickly disappear because either results weren't seen, or let's face it... we got lazy! Michael and I both work; most nights we want to just come home, relax and spend time with the kids we simply don't see enough of! I know we're not alone in that feeling; it's one of the most common things I hear from other working parents. I remind myself that this is as much for my children as it is for me and it helps me keep up the extra effort. Sure, stopping at the drive-thru may seem easier, but making dinner as a family has actually increased the quality of time we spend together... the extra effort has definitely been worth it for me!

Yesterday was overall a great day for me; I did slip in a piece of cheesecake (and maybe some bread) at the Cheesecake Factory while on a work lunch, but other than that I did really well. Do I regret the cheesecake and bread? A little. But I did really well for the rest of the day and made sure to increase my vegetable intake at dinner. The lesson? Balance what you eat. I've learned to enjoy treats from time to time in moderation. If I know it's something that I'll eat the whole package of, I just don't buy it anymore. I also have come up with some incredibly delicious alternatives that don't leave me feeling deprived in the least bit. (I'll post those ideas later on.)

It really helps to know I have a partner in this. If Michael knows that I have a lunch planned or a night out with the girls, he reminds me to not loose all of my momentum by splurging on something that won't make me feel good. Typically, I've already put thought into what I'll be getting so that I don't get tempted when I get to the restaurant, but having the extra support makes it that much easier to make the right choices.

I also am being very public about my lifestyle change (as if the blog didn't make that obvious enough!) so that I am getting support from all of my family and friends. It's my little accountability mechanism knowing that I've got a whole team behind me, encouraging me to stay on top of my choices. It may surprise you to know that being so open isn't easy for me, but that accountability really does help!

On the commute to work this morning, Michael and I talked about different foods from our old way of eating that he misses. This is a work in progress for us and some cravings may never go away. These foods we have decided will make the occassional appearance, though rarely and in smaller quantities and will be balanced with other very healthy food. This will enable him to continue to be successful with the lifestyle change knowing that nothing is taboo, it just can't be enjoyed everyday! His dress pants already need to be altered after just two and half weeks; I wish I could say the same! Seeing tangible rewards for our efforts is making the change much easier. But, we are focused on the intangibles that are making this change so important... a healthier and better quality of life for our future.

What are your tips for success?

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