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Thursday, November 26, 2009

We're still here!!

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted on here, most of my updates recently have been on Twitter so I hope that you'll come follow me there too. I feel like I owe my readers some sort of an explanation because it certainly has nothing to do with motivation or commitment to change.

Over the past month, there has been a huge load of stress in our house so we've focused on maintaining our progress (which we have) and spending time as a family. In a nutshell, our son was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago and had finished his treatment this last January. During routine scans a couple of weeks ago, we found that it's back and we just started chemotherapy again this week. Hearing the news that this is already back only 11 short months following his treatment made us feel the need to focus back on our family for a while, at least until we could see how this would effect our lives.

We're doing good, we're eating well, but unfortunately we haven't been going to the gym regularly and I'm really starting to feel it. The little man is doing well so far and I'm hoping that he will continue to so that we can find a routine again in our lives. Keeping up physical activity really helps me handle stressful times, it's finding the time that is difficult, but I'm really determined to fit it back in!